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[LUG]HP Pavilion, Wifi


Bought a second hand HP to use on the trains and have dual booted. Problems

1.      No RJ-45 only wifi and the computer from the Windows side shows the driver 
Realtek 8852 BE

        There is a lot of correspondence about this





                and of course 


                But I cannot access the commands request

                apt install     dh-sequence-dkms debhelper build-essential devscripts

                (nor can I install vim which is irritating, fine I can cope with vi)

2.      I cannot for some mad reason get the apt command to access the USB drive 
which had the full devuan ISO

        I added the command to sources.list as
                deb file:/media/usb daedalus contrib main non-free non-free-firmware

        No joy

Any suggestions / guidance / help much appreciated

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