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[LUG]Re: Firefox UK Version


On Wed, 13 Sep 2023 08:27:53 +0100
Rich Brown <rich@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Rich,

>Thanks Brad I didn't know that. Z looks all wrong.

To me, too.  The trouble is, language, like people, lives.  It's
evolving all the time.  English, in particular, has a penchant for
'borrowing' words from almost anywhere.  Hence our mass of irregular
verbs and multiple pronunciations of things containing the same letters.
Take 'ough' for example.  It can be pronounced at least five ways.

I could go on.  And on....


 Regards  _       "Valid sig separator is {dash}{dash}{space}"
         / )      "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
        / _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
No, he's just a w*****
You Married A Tortured Genius - Wonk Unit

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