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Re: [LUG] consumer non-SMR 2.5" hard drives
- To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [LUG] consumer non-SMR 2.5" hard drives
- From: comrade meowski <mr.meowski@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2021 19:28:02 +0000
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On 03/12/2021 16:15, Simon Avery wrote:
I think the tumbleweed means either everyone else was away from their
email for a while like I was, or is an answer in itself.
I must admit SMR was something that had passed me utterly by, I've not
bought non-SSD drives for myself for some years, and I've had an
educating time reading up about them and the problems, and it's
reconfirmed my cynicism about marketing and hardware manufacturers...
I'm afraid I can't shed much light, other than bothering Google and
turning up such things as
https://www.truenas.com/community/resources/list-of-known-smr-drives.141/ <https://www.truenas.com/community/resources/list-of-known-smr-drives.141/>
But you no doubt have found such things anyway.
Manufacturers aren't exactly advertising this for obvious reasons, and
the average user probablu cares more about capacity than performance in
their spinny media, so the odds are against you I'm afraid.
Thanks chief - that was exactly how I was reading things as well.
Sometimes the lack of response can be a response in itself! Either
nobody knows or nobody cares which is a way of reality telling you:
"nice try, now roll up your sleeves and fix it yourself". Fair enough I
My hope was that someone else doing professional IT and similarly sick
of looking for lists of non-SMR drives online would have done my
homework for me and found a handy Reddit thread or some other convenient
community maintained googledocs spreadsheet out there with a current
list. I'm pretty sure they are out there somewhere and I'm just not
looking hard enough. I tried r/datahoarder as pretty much the first
option and while there's plenty of scattered info, no convenient "buyers
Oh well, back to shopping and research I guess. Like you I don't buy
anything that isn't either SSD/NVME or (much) higher capacity pro HDDs
for myself - crappy 2Tb bottom of the barrel USB consumer drives are
unfortunately a necessary evil for a lot of people though.
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