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Re: [LUG] error copying a file using smbclient - resolved!


On 18/11/2021 08:38, stinga wrote:
On 17/11/2021 19:26, stinga wrote:
On 16/11/2021 17:04, stinga wrote:
On 16/11/2021 16:06, Mark Thurston wrote:

> Any thoughts?

If you're running a VPN, the ISP won't be able to directly interfere with any of the traffic carried over the VPN.

Have you changed routing equipment at all?

I would check the DNS / WINS resolution as that is a possible source of error that may not travel over the VPN.

Openvpn works fine except for an copying files over SMB.
We move a lot of audio data around over vpns (Community radio station) and it does not fail except for the file copy.

G'day all,

More info...

I can always scp over the vpn the file, but it is slow.

sftp fails over the vpn

If I poke a hole in the firewall and grab the file directly it is fairly fast and works.

I think the issue is with openvpn and not the smb part.

I don't believe Zen throttle, but we are looking at this as well.

G'day all,

It may be resolved....

The change of ISP increased our up/down speeds... woot!

The DrayTek router had "UDP Flood defense" enabled which is 2000 packets in 10 seconds (it maybe per second which makes more sense, doco is conficting) , if that is exceeded we got dropped for 10 seconds, which is what I was seeing, download stall, download stall.

We have increased the value and now seem to be stable and faster! Winner, winner, chick dinner!

thanks for the help!

Email: stinga+dclug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx   o
You need only two tools.        o /////
A hammer and duct tape. If it    /@   `\  /) ~
doesn't move and it should use  >  (O)  X<  ~  Fish!!
the hammer. If it moves and      `\___/'  \) ~
shouldn't, use the tape.           \\\

Just wondering if this is the sort of thing that a router really ought to log. Assuming you have access to the logs of course!

Just checked my EE router and of course there is no logging facility!

Tom te tom te tom

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