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Re: [LUG] Ubuntu


On Sat, 31 Jul 2021, 13:13 Neil, <barnaby@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have been using Linux for many years, so have tried many distros.
However I have never tried Ubuntu, although I have used Kubuntu,
Xubuntu, Lubuntu and other Ubuntu based distros.

Recently I bought a new laptop. Ubuntu 20.04 was already installed on
it. Since I now use MX Linux I never even looked at the installed
distro. I immediately replaced it with the latest MX, removing Ubuntu
while I was at it. When I mentioned this to the supplier he was a bit
concerned. All his other customers apparently are happy to stay with
Ubuntu. I am the odd one out. He seemed to expect me to have problems
using MX. I didn't.

However, this made me decide to have a look at Ubuntu, for the first
time ever. So I set up the ISO on a USB stick and had a play. Oh dear.
Is it me?

I have tried many other distros apart from those already mentioned. And,
for me at least, Ubuntu is the worst I have ever looked at. I just
cannot get anywhere with is. I have tried hard, honest. I have spent a
lot of time on it.

I know that Ubuntu has had many changes over the past few years, but
even so.

Have other list members been able to use Ubuntu with no problems? I have
had a look at some reviews, which have not helped.

Is it me?


If memory serves me correctly, plain ol' Ubuntu Desktop now comes with Gnome by default rather than Ubuntu's own Unity desktop environment. So it sounds like you're simply not comfortable with the Gnome desktop. But you can change it out for a different one easily enough, if you want to.

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