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Re: [LUG] IRC: Freenode -> Libera


On 16/06/2021 18:33, Simon Waters wrote:
On Wednesday, 16 June 2021 17:37:32 BST Jon Davey via list wrote:

Oh I didn't know there was a group on IRC. How do I find that ?....

Paul updated the website


Oh god I made a terrible mistake and out of curiousity I clicked the link and for the first time in many years beheld the DCGLUG website in all it's glory.

I'm going to exercise some self-restraint and delete my original questions which were a bit... sarcastic and try and be polite instead.

Ummm, is the site supposed to look like that? Has anyone ever looked at the page on a 4K/high-dpi screen before? Those wordpress trackers are supposed to be there right? The prominent links to Twitter and LinkedIn aren't ironic jokes or memes but are actually supposed to be there?

I could go on. And on.

Just to be clear I don't care what the site looks like: no skin off my nose. I'm also a sysadmin and not a webdesigner so hell no I'm not volunteering to fix it. I imagine it only gets about 3 hits a week anyway and it's not like it's important to me or presumably anybody else in any way.

But does it have to be _that_ awful? I'm genuinely embarrassed for it. Even though I'm not a webdesigner if I was unfortunate enough to be responsible for it I'd immediately 503 the service and redo it by hand in vi in 5 minutes. The result wouldn't necessarily be any better but it would certainly be infinitely less bad: it wouldn't render incorrectly, have trackers on it or advertise a Microsoft product on the front page at least. When the bar has been set that low it's difficult to see how much worse it could possibly get...

So, anyone got an explanation? Anyone want to defend it?

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