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[LUG] Scammer's Attitude


Today my wife was using her laptop and somehow picked up a scammer. This individual surprised me by being so aggressive. I always expect scammers to be more into trying to get you to believe their rubbish by being quiet and persuasive. But not this one.
He had a very commanding tone and started on about a problem with her 
Windows computer. (Yes, she uses Linux, like me). He was going on about 
there being a problem, and he demanded that she provide some 
information, such as her bank details.
He did indeed say that if she did not comply he would have no option but 
to shut down her computer "for her own safety". And, as I said, this was 
not a quiet request, it was in effect an order.
Luckily as Linux users we knew it was rubbish. She could not get rid of 
him  however, so I had to sort it for her.
I am pleased that we are Linux users, so that is always a help, but I 
have never heard a scammer who was so plain bossy before. Perhaps this 
is some new approach.
As a final note, it is ages since we had that kind of intrusion on our 
computing. We were beginning to feel quite neglected.
Anyone on the list finding an increase recently in this scam rubbish?


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