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Re: [LUG] college laptops


On 08/12/2020 20:13, Giles Coochey wrote:
Just get them something that works and has long battery life.

I did: a MacBook M1.

Look, I knew this would happen but you're forgetting that Tom isn't buying a laptop for us* - old male IT professionals on a Linux mailing list. He's buying a critical tool that will be used for multiple hours per day for three years non-stop for a teenage girl about to head off to University to study a 3 year hard science degree. She doesn't want or need the same thing as us for the something that will be as vital a thing to her as her left arm or her phone. It's 2020, teenagers live on their laptops!

The cost (let's say ~£1500 for the Pro version plus 3 years of Applecare+) is a drop in the ocean in relation to the rest of the overall cost of funding a child's degree. I do agree with you that tuition and the total cost is indeed *very* expensive: that ~£1000 over and above the approx £500+ cost of the crappy generic x86 laptop that you'd recommend amerliorates to ~£333/year over the course and I've included AppleCare+ specifically to account for the guaranteed accidents that will happen in that time.

Disclaimer: I propose and buy a lot of gear for clients according to budgets and needs so I'm really used to this. I promise you I'm not trolling or being provocative, for this use case an Apple M1 really is the best choice in terms of ROI, ease of use, access to repairs, guarantee, practicality, etc. I'd make the case that this laptop is going to be the single most used/important tool in that young woman's life for the next three years so it's critical to do it right.

Even better, ask her I guess. She might have specific requirements.

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