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Re: [LUG] Building Plans Programme


On 15/10/2020 22:25, Julian Hall wrote:
On 10/10/2020 15:23, rich@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Thanks for the reply. I am building a house well hopefully, we're just about to sign an options agreement and then we can apply for planning.

I did look at LibreCad but was hoping to find help with scaling drawings etc.

07546 804439

On 10 Oct 2020 1:23 pm, Pentiddy <pentiddy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    Hi Rich,
    Probably not quite what you are after but I used libreoffice draw
    for my
    planning drawings.
    It is easy enough to scale them and standard timber lengths are
    easy to
    draw in, then copy/paste.
    If you need Span tables etc. I can send you a copy...
    What are you building?

    --     The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
    FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq

Hi Rich,

Have a look at Room Arranger. Possibly not quite right either, but there are libraries of items to place and configure for dimensions so they fit, skin them so they look right, and IIRC you can add custom items (e.g. one plank or a panel of them) and place them precisely. The output can be a 3D walkround or a floor plan. Projects can be multiroom and the website splash screen says apartments, houses etc so it claims you can design houses.


Kind regards,


“The great tragedy of Science — the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.”

― Thomas Henry Huxley

Now if that had output to convert to 3d printer....

Tom te tom te tom

The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq