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Re: [LUG] Optimisation for backups?


On 03/10/20 01:28, comrade meowski wrote:
> <some stuff>
Wot he sed (I won't repeat here...!) ^^

I've yet to deploy ZFS but it really is pretty good if you're not already
married to btrfs (why would you?) or xfs (for other reasons).

I seem to be struggling to find the B* variants of schedulers, but then I
happen, presently, to run ck-patches on top of my kernels, which gives me
the MuQSS cpu scheduler. Alas this doesn't work with containers very well,
since nobody has implemented proper CGROUPs support which everything needs
(some stupid 'moral' reasons there). I can vouch for the zen/liquorix
folks, they hang about in the same area of IRC I do for support of such
kernell features, and they're pretty decent and smart guys.

I've usually been aiming to run the BFQ IO scheduler, but for some reason
it's 'disappeared' in the kernel variants I'm running. I think this needs
some more homework on my part to fix, however ...

But yeah, TL;DR don't make your machine sweat un-necessarily .. there is
much tuning you can do, and the defaults are often 'safe' (Read: lame)
especially for conservative Debian users... (!!)

Good luck, and watch your system fly Soon™ ... ;P

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