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[LUG] SQL query help please


Dear all,

I have been following this excellent video tutorial for learning SQL:


The tutorial series uses PostgreSQL with pgAdmin. In this particular


the presenter explains how to count the number of earthquakes recorded
in the data caused by natural circumstances with this query:

> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM earthquake WHERE cause = 'earthquake';

Her database returns 22942 as might be expected. When I run this query,
I get 0...  :/

I have listed below some details about how I imported the data and which
database system I am using. Help would be most appreciated, as I am
learning SQL not only for fun but also for my upcoming A Level exam, and
I would like to know why there is this discrepancy between my database
and the tutorial.

My database is a locally hosted installation of MariaDB 10.3.22, on
Fedora 31. My SQL client is mycli 1.21.1. I created the table with

> create table earthquakes (
>      -> earthquake_id integer NOT NULL,
>      -> occured_on datetime,
>      -> latitude numeric(10,5),
>      -> longitude numeric(10,5),
>      -> depth numeric(10,2),
>      -> magnitude numeric,
>      -> calculation_method text(512),
>      -> network_id text(512),
>      -> place text (512),
>      -> cause text (512),
>      -> CONSTRAINT earthquake_pkey PRIMARY KEY (earthquake_ID));

And imported the data like this:

> LOAD DATA local infile '/tmp/earthquake.csv' into table earthquakes fields 
> terminated by ',' enclosed by '"' lines terminated by '\n'ignore 1 rows;

Please ignore the inconsistent capitalisation! :D

All the other queries explained in the series so far have worked, for

> SELECT MIN(occured_on), MAX(occured_on) FROM earthquakes;
| MIN(occured_on)     | MAX(occured_on)     |
| 1969-01-01 09:07:06 | 2018-12-31 02:35:38 |

There are minor differences here and there, for instance I imported the
magnitude as an integer rather than a decimal number. However, I cannot
explain the refusal of my database to query anything useful with the
earthquakes field, despite this field working fine ordinarily:

> SELECT occured_on, magnitude, place, cause FROM earthquakes ORDER BY magnitude 
| occured_on          | magnitude | place                                  | cause   
| 2005-03-28 16:09:37 | 9         | northern Sumatra, Indonesia            | 
earthquake |
| 2004-12-26 00:58:53 | 9         | off the west coast of northern Sumatra | 
earthquake |
| 2010-02-27 06:34:12 | 9         | offshore Bio-Bio, Chile                | 
earthquake |

I look forward to seeing what everyone can come up with.

Best wishes and many thanks, Sebastian
Freenode: 'seabass'

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