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Re: [LUG] Happy Birthday Mutt!


Dear Michael,

> Neomutt :)

It is hard to glean too much meaning from such a short response
but I assume that the word is a suggestion and the emoticon is

I have read the list of additional features listed on the Neomutt
email client's webpage; two of the twenty or so items attract my
attention: Skip Quoted, and Forgotten Attachment.

The need to skip long quotations in emails can be easily resolved by
care on the sender's part to only include essential parts of the
original message.

*ahem* Michael. ;)

Since it's not in the Fedora repositories yet I think I will give it a
miss for now - but I'm planning to jump ship to Arch/Gentoo/*BSD soon,
any of which will have Neomutt in their repositories. Therefore I may
be converted in the not too distant future!

Best wishes, Sebastian
Freenode: 'seabass'

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