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Re: [LUG] Grub Problem


On 17/08/2020 08:28, Neil wrote:
> On 16/08/2020 14:49, comrade meowski wrote:
>> On 16/08/2020 12:30, Sebastian wrote:
>>> Hmm. This confuses me. Clearly you have done everything correctly
>>> regarding BIOS boot order, but that you would get the same error
>>> message is most puzzling. Perhaps someone on this list can explain - if
>>> the old Live USB worked originally, why should it be affected by GRUB
>>> problems on the internal hard drive?
>> https://eclypsium.com/2020/07/29/theres-a-hole-in-the-boot/
>> Secure boot certificate revocation basically. The initial Grub issue
>> being patched was a security vulnerability after all that effectively
>> compromised secure boot so this wasn't just a minor update to the
>> package.
>> And then the package also failed to upgrade itself on disk remember,
>> leaving effectively two problems.
>> Neil has a real talent for accidentally getting into trouble :]
> That seems a bit unkind. Other people on the list also get problems. I
> don't think I am any worse than the anybody else. But you have helped me
> a lot, just as you have helped many others,
> Neil

I read that as being meant with affection. I enjoy learning from others'
accidents and mistakes.

A smooth sea never a good sailor made*

*Why do we still write old proverbs and sayings in Yoda-like sentence

**And while I'm on that soapbox, neither of my grannies ever knew how to
suck eggs!

Kind regards,

Mark Smith

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