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[LUG] thunderbirds are go


Ubuntu can be really slow to package certain software so I've been backporting a bunch of stuff to 18.04 and 20.04 LTS - most if it's really easy and straight forward but some packages are absolute monsters. For comparison a full "kitchen-sink" generic x64 kernel build takes about 25 minutes and uses 5-6Gb space on average for a full branch checkout and compile.

I just backported Thunderbird 78 which has already been out for weeks because I was getting annoyed waiting for it:

comrade@failbot:~/SRC/chunderbird$ apt-cache policy thunderbird | sed -n 2p
  Installed: 1:78.1.1+build1-0ubuntu1+motherland1

It took over 4 hours to build! And the size of it...

comrade@failbot:~/SRC/chunderbird$ du -sh .
30G     .

Now I know how MJE feels every time he turns on his Gentoo computer and sees there are updates available :]

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