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[LUG] Urgent help with Libreoffice, please
- To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [LUG] Urgent help with Libreoffice, please
- From: Sebastian <seabass@xxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2020 10:19:06 +0100
- Content-disposition: inline
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Dear those on the DCGLUG list,
My mother is doing a presentation on Zoom today (just after noon) and
needs to present a slideshow. She is told that in Microsoft Office it
is possible to start a presentation in 'windowed' mode, allowing her to
manipulate the Zoom controls whilst keeping the screen sharing active.
I am asking here if anyone knows how to do this in Libreoffice Impress,
as we don't have time to install even a free trial of Microsoft Office.
Many thanks,
Freenode 'seabass'
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