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Re: [LUG] FTP Login


On 09/07/2020 19:39, Edward Lister via list wrote:
We need some context Neil.

FTP is file transfer protocol and is used to upload and download large files instead of, for example, emailing them.

An 'FTP login' could mean account credentials, i.e. a username and/or password for accessing an FTP service.

Basically it's like giving someone the keys to your front door to deliver a parcel, or to take one away. Depending on how you've set up your FTP server, the hallway door would be locked as well, leaving some room inside the property to shelter the package.

It's straightforward enough to setup an FTP server on linux, although for a personal computer on a broadband connection it could be rather less straightforward. On the other hand, accessing someone else's FTP server is usually a piece of cake, assuming they give you an 'FTP login' for it (or not, in the case of some organisations who offer a public service).



On 2020-07-09 18:29, Neil wrote:
Some one is asking about my FTP login. I am not sure what that means. Can anyone please tell me?



Ed is right re context Neil. Is the someone a person you trust i.e. family member, friend of many years etc, or a rep from a company you deal with, or just a person with whom you have contact? FTP as Ed says is for transferring files between your computer and a remote server. Uses may be to share a large file, archive data online, download a Linux ISO, edit website content etc.

You can do it in a browser - where the format is ftp://username:password@server - or in an FTP client program, or from the terminal in Linux.

You may have webspace for a website provided by your ISP; this would be accessed via FTP. Ditto any webspace for a domain you may own. In either case if you do not know it yourself the ISP or domain host should.

The priority though is to understand the risks before you divulge the information.

Apologies if this sounds patronising but I'd rather not just tell you what to do without making sure you are aware of the above.

Kind regards,


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― Thomas Henry Huxley

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