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Re: [LUG] Systemd


On 21/05/2020 13:26, Neil wrote:
> I have been looking at reviews and comments about systemd on the
> internet, and it seems to get some people rather hot under the collar.
> For me as a user, just a bit of email and some browsing mostly, does it
> really matter? I use MX Linux which uses sysV. Systemd is available, but
> not activated. I doubt that it matters to me, but I wonder what the
> future will bring.
> Don't want to start any wars, but am i right in thinking that for me it
> is mostly irrelevant which one is set up?
> Neil

I just go with the flow, using a 'stable' openSUSE LEAP 15.1 at present,
 it uses systemd, or so they tell me, I have never checked.
I find no problem since they switched over form init V as default a long
time ago.
So for my use, as not a coder and not a developer and not a packager it
seems irrelevant. Although I understand the "old principle" of "do only
one thing and do that one thing well', compared to larger multi-things
in systemd

To me old "SuSE 9" used init, then they changed in version openSUSE 12 I
think, or thereabouts some years ago, but I have never had to worry
about it. I assume the distribution compilers and their folk know what
they are doing to give a stable system sold as "SUSE" while we free
users on 'openSUSE" are slightly ahead in some things, but recently they
have tied the code of commercial SUSE more closely to  free openSUSE.

Eion MacDonald

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