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Re: [LUG] libre office macros/dialogs


On 23/04/20 15:32, Michael Everitt wrote:
You likely won't import CSV into a database .. you might pull it via Calc ..

There's probably a hundred ways to import it into a "real" database
(sqlite, postgresl, mysql, etc) - I've done something crude in PHP before,
but pick your poison - perl, python, bash (!), java .. I could go on ..

Anecdotally, once upon a time, I did import a text file using Visual Basic straight into MS Access .. but that was a fully-sensible supported macro/programming language pathway. I've found nothing even vaguely similar in the Open-Source domain .. and I would like to find something .. but there appears to be nothing ..

If I'm wrong, please correct me ... [no, I'm not gonna decipher weird StarOffice obscure data objects ... ]

PS. Oops, top-posting.. tut tut ...
On 23/04/20 15:25, Tom via list wrote:
A freind of mine is an archaeologist and pointed me to a lot of free data
from a long term excavation and it comes in the form of CSV files and
some pdf docs that describe the structure of the real DB and I thought I
might just have a play with them in LibreOffice Base. OK so you cant read
a CSV file in to a table, so I think I'll write macro to do it and use a
dialog to read in the file location, extract the column titles from the
first line and do some scanning to ascertain the column type etc etc.

OK so I cant find a filefinder dialog to get me to the file and all the
online help points nowhere! I'm not sure anyone else has ever used Base
in anger as I can find no  useful documentation on the LO site. Have any
of you got any links to LibreOffice stuff that might help me? I'm on LTS
Xubuntu 18.03 and Libre Office Version: I have a mind to keep
kicking this until I can do stuff on Base I could do in access 35 years ago!

Tom te tom te tom

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