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Re: [LUG] default ubuntu mirrors


On 18/04/20 18:44, comrade meowski wrote:
> On 18/04/2020 18:20, Michael Everitt wrote:
>> Yeah, I can see all the signs point to something automatic that's supposed
>> to be "smart" being "dumb" somehow .. and this is where the KISS principle
>> always wins out, as I'm sure you know. Each layer of complexity*will*  work
>> *flawlessly*  in isolation, but as you add the layers up, you add potential
>> for a new "edge case" to emerge at each new 'stage'. I don't need to tell
>> you (if even I could) how to 'drill down' as you seem to have a good idea
>> where you're going (where many of us would struggle to know where to START)
>> .. so all I can do is wish you 'Good luck' on your investigations.... :p
> You're dead right of course - and the depth of complexity here (my "home"
> network is pretty full on as I use it for testing everything that goes
> into production) is the issue. I've sniffed through all layers so far
> looking for the smoking gun but can't isolate the fault to any one thing.
> Last week everything was the same and worked flawlessly: the major
> changes since then are the LACP, some VLAN and the entire switch is new.
> But all known quantities. I really want to blame that bit... but the
> evidence doesn't support it.
> I know I've said I _think_ it's about 3 different things by now but
> Vbox's handling of bridged VMs has been historically flaky - there were
> unofficial patches for years to work around bridged VMs not getting DHCPs
> over a wifi host adaptor for example. There are outstanding VBox bugs
> from years ago specifically that look a lot like my issue - perhaps a
> regression (6.1.6 also came out in the last week)? The thing is I'm
> picking on Vbox here because it's where the fault first showed itself -
> there are some similar, but subtly different, issues with my other
> hypervisors too. Gah!
> > What happens, out of interest, if you dump all the geo- and round-robin
> > crap, and hard-code in some known-good stuff? Is that gonna help/hinder
> any
> > stable configs?
> I can't - that's how the top level mirrors work. As I said, if I manually
> edit individual effected VMs to point to specific repos instead of the
> load balancers suddenly DNS stops timing out and they work. I tore my DNS
> to bits looking for the caching error but there isn't one. Thing is, I'm
> not doing that for obvious reasons - partly because it would suck as a
> sidestep and not an actual fix. Mostly however because VBox is endemic
> among my clients for work stuff, much as I'd like them to use a more
> grown up solution like KVM or even Xen. It's free, simple, cross-platform
> and "just works" - plus it's the normal hypervisor integration tool the
> more advanced ones are using for automation/orchaestration/CI stuff
> (think Vagrant, Boxes, Jenkins, etc). 9 out of 10 subcontracted devs they
> have turning up to do specific jobs rock up with Mac or Linux laptops and
> everything prototyped in VBox. So sucky or not, it has to work. And it
> has to work in a standard "proper" managed network which automatically
> means a server with bonded interfaces, VLANs and split horizon DNS.
> Holy crap, I've just thought of something - if the load balancers are
> doing reverse lookups on me as they geolocate my VMs then my DNS server
> may feed them back different results depending on how they "see" my DNS.
> I know full well at this point tcpdump and setting up a switch port
> mirror or two to dump full PCAPs is going to be needed to get to the
> bottom of this. Might even make my first post to r/sysadmins at this
> rate, I'm not above asking for help by any means!
Again, rubber-ducking (and/or simply dissecting the problem to explain it)
can often lead to spotting an inconsistency, so feel free to continue
either via list or DM, I don't mind. Of course I don't really know enough
about the innards, but some of the explaining may shine light on a corner
that you've missed so far. Often the exercise is just enough to reveal the
cause/solution .. so all good here .. whatever you feel is useful ..

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