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Re: [LUG] Vim Latex / latexmk


On 31/03/2020 18:12, Henry Bremridge wrote:
On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 03:29:03PM +0100, comrade meowski wrote:
Did you fsck your filesystems post-crash? Sounds like you probably should -
you'll need to fsck the root partition from a live media of some kind.
yup, tks but no joy

Will ponder tomorrow, all other systems seem fine
Fully apt purge all the relevant packages instead of just uninstalling 
them and then manually wipe any fragments of the installation and config 
directories left over afterwards. Ensure to backup any .config or plugin 
settings if appropriate and then wipe all of those as well. Finally 
reinstall and reinstate any personalisations.
Alternatively if your backups are good selectively restore the correct 
directories - but I'm guessing if you're asking here then that's 
probably not an option or you would have already done it.
Copy on Write filesystems obviate the need for unpleasantness such as 
this so put in on your long term to-do list.

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