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Re: [LUG] nearly offtopic - grommet terminology
- To: "list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [LUG] nearly offtopic - grommet terminology
- From: mr meowski <mr.meowski@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2020 19:38:21 +0000
- Accept-language: en-GB, en-US
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- Thread-topic: [LUG] nearly offtopic - grommet terminology
On 23/01/2020 21:18, Michael Everitt wrote:
> I suspect you're falling into a crack of unusual combinations of
> requirements, which don't occur with enough frequency in 'real-world
> applications' for there to be a profusion of options readily available.
> Essentially you're looking for a cross between a gasket and a gromit, the
> former being the common air-tight sealing, and the latter for simple
> non-abrasion between surfaces. The other items of use are of course, seals
> and glands for water-tight seals.
> You might be able to cut yourself a rubber gasket out of neoprine rubber
> perhaps, or another material, or the other option at the 50-200mm range is
> a flexible plastic strip in U-formation but is discontinuous in that you
> can bend it round corners easily, so the sides of the 'U' are perforated,
> whereas the base is continuous.
Thanks, appreciate the replies. Especially the above which does make me
think that just because in the modern world I've grown accustomed to the
idea of "if I can think of it China must make it and it must be easily
obtainable on the internet for pennies" doesn't make it necessarily
true. Rummaging around on Aliexpress and Ebay seems to support this, the
grommet-type thing I want isn't really a thing at all.
I settled on ordering an assortment of the double sided rubber "bung"
type closed grommets which I planned to cut the central section out of
leaving a small rim around the inner edge that I will glue the dust
filters to directly. When they need cleaning I'll pop the whole grommet
out and put 'em in the dishwasher. A dodgy hack of course but that's my
favourite kind of "fix". Enemy of good enough is perfect etc etc.
The inverted filter dustbin idea was cool, I hadn't thought of that.
The goalposts on that specific job ended up inevitably moving again and
I eventually had to put my foot down. The server is moving to a less
hostile environment and the workshop will have some fanless sealed units
for the end users to interact with instead, much less of a headache all
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