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Re: [LUG] Mint 19.x Login Weirdness: SOLVED


On 16/11/2019 16:54, Julian Hall wrote:
Hi All,

Many thanks to Mr Meowski, Simon Waters and Michael Everitt for your time and input. After all that aggravation I did as Michael suggested and created a new user, imaginatively named 'test'. That logged into Mint 19 Cinnamon with no problem at all, so it appears that /something/ in my normal account's /home folder has gone belly up. That /probably/ means I can rsync my proper Mint 19.2 into its normal state. Is/are there any usual suspect/s I can try to remove in /home?

As /home is a separate backup is it worth trying to recover the backup? That assumes of course that the problem hasn't been inadvertently backed up.

Kind regards,


Hi All,

I say SOLVED whilst touching every piece of solid wood, plywood, and MDF I can find. Having narrowed down the culprit to my normal /home files I had a look at the backup and .Xauthority stood out like a sore thumb. The backup was 50 bytes whilst the copy on the HD was zero bytes. Copying the backup over did not work, but renaming it to old.Xauthority forced the system to make a new one and that finally allowed me to log in. The final step will be putting 19.2 back up as this email is sent from 19.0 and then it /should/ all work. Important note to self; if this happens again dump .Xauthority and try again.

Kind regards,


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