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Re: [LUG] SDTJ - VPN Talk
- To: "list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [LUG] SDTJ - VPN Talk
- From: mr meowski <mr.meowski@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2019 17:24:30 +0000
- Accept-language: en-GB, en-US
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- Thread-topic: [LUG] SDTJ - VPN Talk
On 12/10/2019 17:49, Giles Coochey wrote:
> I think all your comments neatly tie nicely in with the issue of "trust"
> that we brought up in the talk and I completely agree with them. Any
> Consumer VPN you choose is going to have to be one that you trust, and
> is a personal deicsion that you have to make, or choose one yourself.
> We looked at StrongSWAN (GPLv2), and OpenVPN (consumer version - and
> yes, licensing information is obscure - it is essentially tied to a
> commercial product), Pfsnse (Apache License) - yet another license! -
> more confusing.
> I made an effort to not advocate a particular solution, but did focus on
> common solutions which all share the same configuration parameters.
> I cannot emphasise enough the issue of "trust", when it comes to
> implementing a privacy solution from a third party provider, and I
> re-iterated that every time we discussed it at the talk.
I really would have liked to have made it your talk and was hoping some
of it would make it's way back to the list for those of us who couldn't
attend. It sounds like you were concentrating on some aspects that I
don't honestly spend a lot of time on like licensing and trust.
Like most busy sysadmins my concerns are almost entirely pragmatic so
neither of those issues would be considered important past the briefest
of sanity checks:
1: Licensing | Is it legal to use? If so, continue to step 2.
2: Trust | Do I trust them? No, of course not.
And then it's straight on to the practical considerations of
configuration and deployment.
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