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[LUG] Random shutdowns


Hello guys.
So decided to upgrade the ram in my computer, and have re-installed the base system but kept the /home folder.
The hope amongst other things was to resolve the odd fan ramping then shutdown that was happening.
It hasn't done that.
I have taken exerpts from two log files at the time of shutdown, but I don't know what I'm looking at and what might be the cause.
Is there anyone who would be willing to help me sort this out?
I'm up for learning a little more about log files too if that is appropriate along the way...


Pentiddy Logo. Pentiddy Woods / Pentiddy Woods newsletter

Attached files are likely to be open-document format (*.odt or *.ods).
Why? So as not to depend on one company for accessing my own data in future.
See:  https://www.documentliberation.org/
MS-Word may say 'damaged file' to discourage this but should open the attachment(s) anyway.

Pentiddy Natural Burials
Heartwood Creations
Pentiddy Community Woodland
Setsudo Ki Aikido

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