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Re: [LUG] USB sticks part 2
- To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [LUG] USB sticks part 2
- From: Eion MacDonald <maceion@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2019 21:52:10 +0100
- Autocrypt: addr=maceion@xxxxxxxxx; keydata= mQENBErOFgYBCACX54BDPaOZcVDx+bau8FHoMrGzT+hnVnWI+5gaH0rcIKcxu0UMnTsU+Mtx DqLr9IbBcspsEWok2MKoDMMb8eV1fTbpJsZ7sSo68K8CocsnxHtDYq25zELcaCRrZhbDDXtc 4Is2oniKPCQP48Sur3q0hCDSaT/0XDK4hDRzZakNBAyXoZM2+Bur2OFl6WoRjtVDgh297gPa j4HdhzS7giTSOxkibzCDTUK80nryiNYmZ4TK0aivOFMJNVCnsqg/1bgtTsUFONDqR+mu7OLt fWk4cKe8cIKLdyXT75/W2Jot4TFMHZa8Jh2nNI9xCy9BNzicfM7SUbjd7GFAQUqge5E/ABEB AAG0I21hY2Vpb24gKEdtYWlsKSA8bWFjZWlvbkBnbWFpbC5jb20+iQE2BBMBAgAgBQJKzhYG AhsjBgsJCAcDAgQVAggDBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQeAD1yV6ZpZfsJQf/Ug1H1KD7M3N4sIEg saID/RgY/DCnZyaGeXXbblc7Xg6QiB2swJRUazhXrqfh3PwSvUlzMfxiBxOkFycgiPIYQRCl vJdOMHz8EclgBXrkKGO/vsGmfbmTpfUjWEzVPkKBZAIHq0haMQBZ30yDB8GZCzkp5vkFHPgK 6Eb0FjesxGbQSMSjL85AEUIk1oq9L5mQgbuL1H6MJe3LiC0noHgGGmzUnF8HlXcQrqSdpFOG HpgUJ8PgOsuHHgwjVgLB1IZwZVx23q7MOWs6wpeUL9mTkV/PFpcnF+ANiymIWJhowv8I1ZuN X95A3yVmOITnJtD6RZq/JlQwqjgiUUj1ga/xTLkBDQRKzhYGAQgAtfWF6siNeCenrZ+i8D/B Of15mdFMephy15jpHzPgkLOd28Bu9doB+bD49/lJ5McqaN0SrEX+gbDXIC6jzXnn17pifQ+K PNFsMzOJsuh1bz0MX1uSmB2KEsVXr+d8onzhD884Ih7KvJsQtGE0t23c/TZ8Po/oGfngYg+O CQu9soTm5Ua1KWx0Qpe/FQ1Xxbu/Ah7JcZhrt7tU2Ph6bWUsJuu3gQ8ax0Shl4A5LEEUhynA Mj2Vlp3R/aUfySNMJmYCa8MTQmwhAPUbWYXwKaCy1FOKbgA69Nwqz44s98vGmnGW7kXmvP4/ 7Lkj5e7Z3RYDwT+59x7mWjpz9i+0oCQtiwARAQABiQEfBBgBAgAJBQJKzhYGAhsMAAoJEHgA 9clemaWXnXAH/A1U1X9ic4vxoF5MFw2tW/5xgXZRxlPT58v9SKHEliAt2uJ8+sXwB1YKKX9z ofC4g5i7nYeV545KcndRLkuDbBqyeEud/w3dtVKZPrgn7OqeLrBLfA5xtCKJbtCUsRy6Oi92 DWpUMjRwlHj8MBseTptApV0vtqjBfR31nSKIsT9goZLNCA5uthZLU9cTWaqpBIJPrpZpl5t1 1FtTgi//8SZ1hhoxQiSysx/V6Z7nQ2yE5EIWiklRmum0LQN1B0i3Lrojn8NRfphOKHvQKDhk J6M0NP59SwWTQLbsmAVOy8e1HsCFPUtcycB0KJyYu5yNy+3KLUNHV+pdSdhujODi+NY=
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see below
On 05/04/2019 11:36, Neil wrote:
> On 04/04/2019 19:40, Eion MacDonal
>> As soon as any (first screen) boots it has a Knoppix penguin and two
>> lines of white on black code underneath. The second line is where you
>> alter the boot instructions. (the boot prompt).
>> line beginning "boot: _"
>> See picture http://knopper.net/knoppix/knoppix740-bootscreen.png
>> So hitting 'k' stops things, as you enter a k into boot line, until you
>> complete the command line by entering after the k 'noppix lang=uk'.
>> Thus entry code line adjustment is "knoppix lang=uk"
> When I log on now to Knoppix I do not see the screen shown in your png
> above. I get a vertical list of various options for booting, in text,
> with the word 'Default' at the top. If I let it simply do its thing,
> after a few seconds it immediately starts Knoppix. There is no sign of
> the png screen as above, it is all text. Perhaps I should be choosing
> one of the options in the list instead of leaving it to default?
> Neil
20190405 at 21.42
I think your mistake is in how you made the USB key of Knoppix.
"Well, I have had a go. I have installed Knoppix on to a USB stick. It
would not work with etcher, so I had to use Unetbootin."
Do not use a USB boot creation program to create the Knoppix USB.
*Load knoppix from a bootable DVD created from Knoppix iso.*
Then select "knoppix lang=uk" from boot line (or you can use default
USA keyboard selection it does not matter at this stage)
*Them after Knoppix loads and is workable*,
make a Knoppix USB from the menu selection under heading KNOPPIX
Choice to be made: to install Knoppix ONLY to removable devices (stops
overwriting your main hard disk)
then select the USB key you want to load Knoppix onto.
Chose to be as DVD (always then no code changes or capability to
download to Knoppix ) unless you want persistence and thus capability to
store or alter programs.
Sometimes 'unetbootin' gives problems (I gave up on it a long time ago!)
Eion MacDonald
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