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Re: [LUG] Email Rubbish


On 20/03/2019 12:14, Neil wrote:
> Still getting stupid emails every day. The latest was apparently from
> someone called Treffle at one of my email accounts. It was telling me
> that that address was compromised. Although the account part was indeed
> one of mine, I had to laugh at the user name.
> Treffle was the name of my daughter's horse, which sadly died last year.
> I think I can safely say that is the first time I have had an email from
> a horse.
> That is just a laugh. But, being serious, I am getting more and more
> junk emails recently, it seems. On average more that 200 a week. I am
> wondering if people on the list are finding this too, or is it just me?
> I do not automatically delete them in case there are any the should not
> be marked as junk, so I can sort that out.
> Sigh,
> Neil

Using assassin on emails coming to Thunderbird. Scams/spam about 14 per
month over 9 email addresses.
Eion MacDonald

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