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On 18/03/2019 10:17, Eion MacDonald wrote:
Yes thanks, that was all a great help. You mentioned several distros. One of the stumbling blocks for newcomers to Linux, I feel, is that there are so many versions. For me I would use one that I know well, such as Xubuntu, Linux Lite or MXLinux.I trust this helps. If you need any more contact me on or off list. Off list email maceion at gmail doc com
You also refer to young people learning Linux. This was a bit of a surprise, as I have always assumed it would be only older people, probably retired, who would want to learn it. Younger ones would be still working, where Windows reigns supreme. (Certainly, those who have approached me so far have all been 'of a certain age'.) So Linux would be of little interest to the younger ones, was my thought. Wrong again??
I would also discourage the idea of dual booting Linux with Windows, so I would recommend using a separate, possibly older, computer for the learning process. Anyway, so far I have not committed to anything. I decided to get some advice and feedback first.
Neil -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG https://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq