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On 13/12/2018 16:45, Splodger wrote:
Not used it myself, previous colleagues have (in large secure corporate environments), and it does do what it says - it just acts like a wobbly mouse - there is more involved sofware for them to program to automate repetitive tasks (e.g. click on a button at a specific place on the screen every so interval). Not looked into it that much (I don't do desktop support anymore).Hey Giles!That's a cool and unique looking device. Not seen something like that before. That device would give the correct effect too.Have you used one of these "stress" savers ;) - can it be trusted?
More infomation here, with document downloads: https://www.cru-inc.com/products/wiebetech/mouse-jiggler-mj-1/
On 13/12/2018 16:42, Giles Coochey wrote:On 13/12/2018 16:29, Splodger wrote:Gosh, sounds pretty involved, does the touchscreen device have a USB port of its own and support a USB mouse, I know computer support staff use these (Mouse Jiggler MJ3):Hi Folks.Wondering if anyone out there can point me in the direction of a very cheap USB robotic arm. It is simply required to move a stylus over a touchscreen once a minute to stop the computer / vdi logging out.Looking for the simplest and cheapest thing going - will also take second hand stuff.Many Thanks!https://www.newegg.com/global/uk-en/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA24G2KG1364&ignorebbr=1&source=googleshopping&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleUKAdwords-Global-MKPL-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleUKAdwords-Global-MKPL-PC-_-pla-antonline.com-_-Accessories+-+Notebooks%2FTablet+PCs-_-9SIA24G2KG1364&gclid=CjwKCAiAo8jgBRAVEiwAJUXKqMPQDUUI6yKEXaVrJUkivDFJAWuL0spIKZY4G8rbxdSTPH1MBokiBRoCtVgQAvD_BwEThey prevent screensavers/screen-locks from activating so that staff can leave their laptops with IT Support staff and not having to leave their password on a post-it note behind in case the laptop goes to sleep and locks, requiring the password to unlock.
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