Hi Again
I think I ought to add.... I know about B, G and N. After that
what should I consider. If 300mbs is slow, what would now be a
good wifi speed please? Do I look at security with the card or
should that be locked down by the router? When I look at this page
by Amazon:
It has a confusing array of cheap and not so cheap cards
including the one I bought that is actually Amazon's choice!
On 01/11/2018 8:40 pm, Richard Brown
Hi Matt
Yes I am sure. I tend to impulse buy and rather than do
research (i.e. talk to you guys), just get what looks good at a
reasonable price. But yes please advise me what I should be
looking for. Thanks. Yes definitely I need help.
On 01/11/2018 6:40 pm, mr meowski
On 01/11/2018 18:30, Richard Brown wrote:
Sorry. I can take the card back so let's start from there shall we.
Forget trying to get this one installed and could you recommend
something better please?
And thanks. And sorry, I will ask next time.
...and now I totally feel like the bad guy, probably deservedly :|
Are you *sure*? We can definitely get it up and running if you'd like -
for all I know you picked it up for £5 and if your wifi is only running
at 300Mbps in the first place it could be a bargain.
But that specific model is so obviously problematic under modern Linux
it does seem like it may well just continue to cause you issues as time
goes by and upgrades break it again. For your own peace of mind if
nothing else it might be better just to get something with rock solid
mainline support.
Please don't apologise to me though, I'm not the boss of anyone. My
fault for being too critical, you were only asking for help after all.