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Re: [LUG] NVidia


On 29/10/2018 16:11, M. J. Everitt wrote:
On 29/10/18 16:00, Neil wrote:
Looking at recent emails on the list, and some from the past, I get the
impression that, on Linux, nVidia graphics are more trouble than they are
worth. Am I right in thinking that the best way is to avoid nVidia
altogether on Linux?

Since I don't play computer games nor do clever things with photos, I
just ignore nVidia altogether. Is that a sensible way to go?


Yup, if you're "in the know" .. nvidia drivers, firmware, software etc is
really troublesome, and quite frequently inconsistent and needing binary
blobs. Whilst there is a lot of "development" in the area, its mostly
patching over crap "releases".

AMD (former ATI) stuff is relatively stable, and by virtue of being less
complicated, is generally better supported.

Intel built-in can be just as patchy as nVidia .. as most of it is
reverse-engineered, and newer hardware is often simply mis-identified by
the kernel, leading to further driver issues.

TL;DR - if you want Windows features, buy Windows hardware.

The usual maxim for Linux still holds .. support for the "latest, greatest"
will always lag sales and marketing. Catch the hardware -just- before it
goes obsolete (And is cheaper anyway) and watch all the salient hardware
mailing lists for support issues.

For wifi cards especially - check driver support *before* you buy ...


Thanks for the quick answer and good advice. I shall continue to ignore nVidia then. My computers use Intel built in graphics. I don't seem to have any problems, but then I don't do any "clever, clever" stuff.

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