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Re: [LUG] OT: working abroad


On 19/08/18 18:33, mr meowski wrote:

In 2018 using a VPN to secure yourself against incompetent/malicious
networks, service provider DNS "features", traffic logging, etc is just
standard practice surely? Not only for protection whilst travelling
either, home traffic should be VPN'd by default as well to protect you
and your family from err, well, everything. ISP and Government mischief
being top of the list.

I'm going to be pretty mind boggled if literally nobody else here is
using VPNs all the time for everything...


Well, I had better go to the naughty step then. I have read so many reports on the net to say that a VPN is not really very effective, but does slow down the connection.

So I do not have any VPN set up. I must add, in my defence, that I do have a protonmail account.

Waiting to be chastised,


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