On 07/06/18 11:50, Julian Hall wrote:
On 07/06/18 08:14, Tom via list wrote:
On 07/06/18 01:44, Julian Hall
On 06/06/18 21:01, Grant
Phillips-Sewell wrote:
I agree, it would be like expecting Windows users to adopt
Linux without engaging with them. Telling other Linux users
how great it is, is preaching to the choir. On that note
billions of Facebook users are Windows users and require the
True - however as a facebook user I would not use FB for
DCGLUG. Its bloody useless for anything other than temporal
Tom te tom te tom
The museum I volunteer with uses it to engage with our visitors,
promote events, publish photos of past events, and generally keep
people current on what we have planned. Personally, I am an Admin
of a group dedicated to helping people research their relatives'
wartime service in the armed forces. I'm also in several Bomber
Command related groups. With respect Tom, quite a bit more than
temporal whimsy, although I will concede that for the individual
without specific purposes it could well be as you say.
I've just found that every FB page consists of recent ongoings
and anything (barring a pinned item or two) older is effectively
beyond rational reach. I've yet to see one that allows member
posting and also coherent.
Tom te tom te tom