On 14/03/18 09:18, Gordon Henderson
Wed, 14 Mar 2018, psutton wrote:
Good news on the Pi3+ÂÂ a few minor
improvements, that is all that is
needed, the pi adapts to how it is being used, hence the Pi
zero zero
is great for embedded,ÂÂ i would guess there improvements to
wifi will
be added in to the zero W and HW at some point (if feasable).
For "proper" embeded use the Compute Module ought to be the thing
of choice, however the Zero is much cheaper (and note that there
is now a Zero "H" variant with pre-soldered header pins)
Gigabit ethernet speed will help when
being used for media boxes too I
would guess.
That's debatable - there is only one USB interface on the Pi and
running that at higher speeds for the Ethernet (it's still usb-2,
so 420Mb/sec absolute max) may well be detrimental to serving
stuff off a USB filesystem - who knows - I'm not into that thing,
but I'm sure we'll see reports from others to try it out.
I've had one for a few days, but other than make sure wiringPi
works OK on it, I've not had a chance to really give it a go:
I've been looking into GPU processing and there is an opencl
library/compiler for the GPU https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/tree/opencl
Not tried it yet but in theory it makes the pi zero possibly the
cheapest bang per buck in the non-FPGA stakes.
Tom te tom te tom