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Re: [LUG] NAS recommendation please


I use FreeNAS, it's worked really well for me. Does have quite high
memory requirements, though, due to use of ZFS (I think?)


On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 02:28:33PM -0000, Andrew Kendall wrote:
> Hi All,
> Sorry to bother you with this but I need a NAS. Iâm about to take a very large
> hammer to my Netgear NV+ / V2 because itâs let me down for the last time, and
> thereâs no UG support available.
> Iâve got 3 x 3TB Disks and a PC chassis. Can you recommend a Linux NAS solution
> which will make use of the hardware please?
> Apologies and thanks,
> Andrew.
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