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[LUG] Tech jam - january 2018


Hi All

The next tech jam is on Saturday 13th January 2018.  Starting at 12:30


This month we hope to have :

The usual physical computing activities set up.

We also have Shelley from Encounters Arts dropping in to do a workshop
on the Chrysalis mobile hackspace being developed so a good chance to
find out more and get more input in to what people would like.

Samadi is also hoping to demonstrate voice controlled 3 colour LED using
his laptop and Arduino.   TBC

Talk on Advanced Excel â TBC

As well as the usual troubleshooting and what ever people bring along.


diaspora : zleap@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Torbay Tech Jam http://torbaytechjam.org.uk
Next Tech jam 2nd Saturday of the month

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