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Re: [LUG] Headphones


On 06/11/17 18:01, Neil wrote:
> Computers, don't you just love them ...... sometimes.
> I have a desktop, a laptop and a mini laptop. Since the sound on the
> mini is so poor I decided to try out my headphones. They worked just
> fine. Then I checked out the headphones on the desktop. Fine again.

With the netbooks you can switch the sound output from the headphones to
the built in speaker, you need to go to the speaker properties to do
this, it does not happen automatically.  To me this is a useful feature,
as it gives the user more control.

However this is probably down to the OS being used,  so Mint or Debian
may behave differently.

> Then the laptop. Nothing, no sound at all. The built in speakers work,
> but no sound from the headphones. All three computers are running Linux
> Lite 3.6, if that is relevant.
> It is not really important I suppose, since I want to use the headphones
> mainly on my mini laptop, which is downstairs. (This is through sheer
> laziness, to save me having to climb the stairs if I just want a quick
> check on eg my emails.) But even so.... I know that sound can be tricky
> on Linux computers.
> So this is just a moan, to make me feel a bit better,
> sighs and laughs,
> Neil

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