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Re: [LUG] OT: Diagnosing - Probable - Dead RAID 1 HDD


On 23/09/17 19:19, mr meowski wrote:
On 23/09/17 18:52, Julian Hall wrote:

I have good, if odd, news. I turned on the NAS today and it recognised
the second HDD, initialised it and is now busy rebuilding the array.
That's without me even touching it since yesterday when it refused. All
I can put it down to is that the connector in the NAS /may/ be going
south. However, for now it seems to be working.
Well, glad to hear it - I'd keep a close eye on that NAS for a while if
I were you though after all that funny business. Not exactly the most
confidence inspiring turn of events from the device that is supposed to
be keeping your data safe...

Good luck!


Annoying news today. The HDD is officially dead. I bought a new NAS on the strength of all the evidence pointing to the old one being at fault as I was able to rebuild the array with the HDD after formatting it. However when a friend came over yesterday and we set the new NAS up it also said the same HDD was bad. So I tried it again in the USB caddy I formatted it in, and tried connecting it to a spare SATA connection in my main PC. It complained it was corrupt and didn't even like booting when connected directly. Gparted now says it is all Unallocated and gives IO errors loading as it tries to read it; it also refuses to create a partition table, also giving I/O errors. That's four devices all now agreeing it's a bad disk. That clearly says that the HDD has finally stopped lying to me and died.

Kind regards,


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