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[LUG] File Permissions.. yet again!


Hi All,

I say again but I don't really think the problem ever went away fully. However, I have made some progress toward working out what is going on, in that it is /only/ Office files.

For those not familiar with the problem, in a nutshell at some point in the past permissions have been screwed up in some of my files - I now discover only Office files. When I try to open them Libre Office reports they are already open and I can only open a copy or read only. There is no lock file in any of the affected folders, but the user is '1024'. They are on my NAS but now with the discovery that it's only Office files I don't think it's an NFS issue.

Could someone suggest a way to search for all files with that user and chown them all at once to me please? Mr Meowski helpfully guided me through fixing the first - single folder - that I found, but now it appears to be more widespread.

Kind regards,


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