On 01/06/17 09:10, M. J. Everitt
On 01/06/17 08:44, Paul Sutton wrote:
Looks like Barnstaple Library could get it's own fablab. Spotted this on
spotlight this morning so found a link on the bbc website. I know
there are people here in North Devon.
Considering doing the volunteer 'training' and splitting some time
between Barnstaple and Exeter... !
They're looking for a full-time technician at Barnstaple (paid) .. but I
know I can't commit to that!
I've been wondering about VanLab - ie fablab in a van that can
be take to smaller communities/schools on a regular basis*. I
spoke to Susanne at Holsworthy on Tuesday and she said the 3d
printer they had there was chosen for its sturdiness and
transportability. Needs some looking into but could be a goer.
* and subsidised by renting to business?
Tom te tom te tom