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Re: [LUG] Powerbank PB 12000A and a Raspberry Pi



Working on the answers given:
1. I won't break anything if I test it using the 2.1a port
2. If it doesn't work upgrade to a more powerful option - any suggestions please?

Thanks for the help.


On 17 October 2016 at 09:14, Tom <madtom1999@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 17/10/16 08:28, Richard Brown wrote:

I am hoping to use this:

to power a Raspberry Pi and touchscreen. Is it going to be powerful enough please and what should I plug the Pi into. I have 5v0.5a, 5v1.3a, 5v1.0a and 5v2.1a.

Thanks for the help.

Kind regards

Richard Brown
07747 343637

Assuming its the RaspberryPi 7" jobbie then you need 2A at least

Tom te tom te tom

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Kind regards

Richard Brown
07747 343637

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