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Re: [LUG] Ad blockers


On 16/09/16 13:53, Julian Hall wrote:

That is not correct. The licence fee goes to the BBC only. If you
should have a set that does not accept the BBC channels you don't need
a licence. The commercial channels get their money from adverts and
other sources, but not from the licence fee. So it is irrelevant to
them if you have a licence or not.


Half right. The funds do go to the BBC and nobody else, however the
licence wording is for operation of equipment capable of receiving
television and/or radio broadcasts. People have been successfully
prosecuted for non-payment. on one notable occasion he'd even removed
the tuner! Quite how that succeeded in prosecuting I don't know, but it

Bottom line; If you have a TV or radio you need a TV Licence,
irrespective of what content you watch or listen to.


Thanks, I stand corrected. The law must have changed. I can remember someone who could receive commercial channels only being prosecuted and winning the case. But that was a long time ago. No doubt the law has changed a lot since then.

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