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Re: [LUG] off topic :but what Linux distro could read and write to a mac computer's external back up?


Sent from my iPhone

> On 11 Sep 2016, at 13:40, Gordon Henderson <gordon+lug@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Sat, 10 Sep 2016, Eion MacDonald wrote:
>> Dear folks,
>> 20160910
>> off topic but what Linux distro could read and write to a  mac
>> computer's external back up?
>> Impoverished new student (medical) has present of a Mac-Book Air from
>> her father.
>> I would like her to have a 'secondary computer' at her lodgings
>> just to read her backup USB  external hard disc in case her Mac-book air
>> is stolen(External hard disc back up USB or such, I have recommended she
>> have, as I have had some students with no back ups and thus trouble, but
>> on Windows computers, where i have recovered their non booting machines.)
>> I have no experience of Mac computers but do have an old machine Core-2
>> Pro CPU running Linux (Linux Mint 17) and I could change the distro and
>> give to her.
>> What distro should I load for her?
> None.
> Why make life complicated...
> Insure Mac Book Air.
> When it get stolen/destroyed, etc. claim on insurance, buy a new one, restore from 
> backup and off you go.

1+ this and use drop box pro. tried trusted . (1stilen from a train, 1 sat on with 
phone between glass and keyboard) each time: walk to store collect new laptop, open 
login with icloud account (email done) log in to dropbox (files done) re-install 
apps from store & office365 .. good to go. 

timemachine backups are overrated. but still useful for every day file rollbacks. 

> Gordon
> -- 
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