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Re: [LUG] Sharing our printer


On Thu, 8 Sep 2016 12:46:54 +0100
barnaby@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hello barnaby@xxxxxxxxxxxx,

>Have I got that right? If so, could someone please point me in the
>right direction? I have done some research and am feeling a bit lost.

Cups:  I enabled printer sharing.  You may have to work through the
printer's options on your machine to make sure it's shared.  Once that's
done, leaving the printer on, go to the other machine and "search for
printers" in whatever is used on the that machine, be it Linux/Cups or
whatever Windows uses.

Works for me.  Mind you, my printer is connected via ethernet, but it
shouldn't (famous last words) make a difference.

As long as the printer server is on (cups here), the job will be
received.  Once in the queue, the server can even be powered down and the
job not lost.  If the server is down when you try to print from a remote
machine, my guess is that the job would fail with a warning along the
lines of "printer/server not found".

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
Well you tried it just the once and found it alright for kicks
Orgasm Addict - Buzzcocks

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