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Re: [LUG] Nest/Hive thermostats.


Hi Nick,

Coincidentally I've been looking into this. My brother sent me the following:

Links here for Tado and Nest smart thermostats.

Nest installation guide

On 05/02/16 15:50, Nick Roach wrote:
Good afternoon all,

Looking to get an intelligent thermostat to replace my current programmer/thermostat combination, I need it to do heating as well as hot water. 90% convinced I will go for the Nest gen3, but wondered if anyone has any experience with the Nest, Hive or any of the others on the market. I'm running a Pi2 with openHAB and Arduino/mysensors remote sensors to get thermal data from various points in the house, so linking in with that eventually would be important (at the moment, I think its just the Nest that has openHAB support). Â

Thanks in advance


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