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Re: [LUG] Parrallella available in UK


Sounds really interesting.

How did it work out performance wise? Did it exceed your expectations? What kind of hardware were you running?

I have often wondered about the potential of clusters vs modern processors (i7, etc) for certain applications. Based on your experience do you feel older hardware as a cluster could be a viable option for web hosting or similar? Thinking along the lines of reuse rather than recycle and giving the old stuff a worthwhile job.

Could be additional applications for IoT with all the data being collected from various sensors and such. All rather useless unless the data can be processed and meaningful information produced.

On 15/01/16 11:12, Paul Sutton wrote:
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On 15/01/16 10:53, Ben Whorwood wrote:
Please let us know if / when you get round to giving them a go as
would be really interested in hearing your experiences and what
kind of difference they make for certain applications.
We did build a small cluster at a Exeter Lug meeting once, we
calculated Pi.

Malcolm from the Exeter lug (and possibly here) helped with this.

North Devon Tech jam sounds good, The Cornwall jam is organised with
software Cornwall,  Is there a similar group in Devon? who we can get
on board with. ?


Have there been any Beowulf clusters or similar set up as part of
the southerly tech jams at all? Potential good / interesting use of
old hardware (I certainly have a few parts lying around which I
could contribute). Could "race" it against the Parallella Epiphany

On 15/01/16 10:34, Tom wrote:
On 15/01/16 10:29, Ben Whorwood wrote:
Looks interesting, thanks for the link.

I wonder if it could be a good thing to get in for one of the
Cornwall or Devon tech jams so people could experiment with any
parallel processing applications they've been developing. Could
remotely dial in and give it a go.

On 15/01/16 10:11, Tom wrote:
http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/products/8194709/ This is a
32Gflops 16 core for less than Â200 Runs Linux Tom te tom te

I've got two but I haven't got round to playing with them due to
them being a year late when I got them and now my man-shed not
being up and running. If we could organise a north devon tech
jam,.... Tom te tom te tom

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