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Re: [LUG] website - content


I will pass on the correspondence from the list to Software Cornwall to get their thoughts on collaboration and cross promotion.

It would be interesting for a directory of sorts for organisations and individuals that promote and use free (libre) software. I myself have been an advocate of free software for many years since escaping the clutches of the corporate machine for the green pastures of *nix. It is always interesting connecting with others with a similar perspective who harness the power of open source (very happy to have found DC LUG for these reasons) as, certainly in the South West, we are are the definite minority. The tide does seem to be turning somewhat however, with government agencies (like India mentioned recently) moving to open software and file formats and Microsoft opening up (parts of the) .NET framework.

I've toyed with the idea of a "buddy programme" (for want of a better name) whereby one could pair up with someone new to the field to provide guidance and help through the transition. This could be useful on an individual as well as corporate level and help promote the spread of free software. Expectations would of course need to be discussed and limited - after all many (including myself) only had Google for answers but made the leap anyway and never looked back.

In relation to the ongoing WordPress security discussion, could enforcing two factor authentication for all users combined with protecting the admin area using a shared (or multiple shared) usernames and passwords via HTTP basic authenication (http://codex.wordpress.org/Hardening_WordPress#Securing_wp-admin) be a possibility? Also a strict policy on the use of third party components might be an idea.

On 04/11/15 19:18, Paul Sutton wrote:
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On 04/11/15 15:07, Ben Whorwood wrote:
Little bit late but wanted to suggest a few people / organisations
regarding potential content as there's been a fair bit happening
down in Cornwall recently.

For code clubs, Mike Trebilcock (@miketrebilcock /
https://twitter.com/miketrebilcock) has done amazing work locally
and continues to do so. He has been fundamental in setting up
numerous code clubs across the county as well as helping others to
do the same. I believe he now has a "template" in place allowing
people to get new clubs up and running as simply as possible.

A recent collaboration for Mission to Mars was very successful and
very well received:


This nicely leads onto a new non-profit organisation, Software
Cornwall (@SwCornwall / https://twitter.com/SwCornwall). They are
working hard to try and promote Cornwall and the South West as an
area of importance for technology:


Software Cornwall together with Cornwall College are hosting a tech
week in December for anyone that might be interested:


Local tech news and support for code clubs could come from above as
a starting point (and I'm sure much more). If you would like me to
get in touch for potential collaboration with DC LUG (or just
inclusion on the website and possibly vice-versa) I'd be more than
happy to do so.

Just a few thoughts.

Hi Ben,

Thanks for this,  not sure if others agree but the lug site could host
information on all these topic,   And cross collaboration / promotion
does sound good,  if we can then be a portal to further information,
it does raise our profile a little bit.

At the same time the lug site can provide information on free and open
source software from and links to the fsf and fsfe, and others,  links
to examples (Tom posted a link to free software in India)  so the
information is out there it is a case of putting everything together.
Something this list is good at.

The advantage for existing members is that if they provide business
around setting up / maintaining solutions then there is a chance they
could gain more contacts for work from,  that which is good for their
business I guess.  Also keeps any work gained in the south west.

A good argument for word press here as we could have a page for say
where free software is being used and update this as we find articles
that can be posted to the list,  these can be added to the page on the
site at the top so it is kept fresh as articles on this do appear
often enough.   Also if we are working on this as a lug, and others
are helping it means our work can be checked and if there are spelling
errors the can be corrected by others.

I think all this would really raise the groups profile and hopefuly
get more people thinking about free software.


On 02/11/15 22:12, Paul Sutton wrote: Jay Bennie has kindly started
to help sort out the lug website.   I decided to now ask how do we
as the Devon and Cornwall Lug want to move on in to 2016.

We currently have people spread out all over the region,  which
granted makes it harder to meet up,   However

What sort of information should we have on the site

Tutorials. (we have lots) articles

Are there any local activities such as code club people know about
? There was some robotics thing at a school on the news a while

What would be good is to perhaps if there is any local tech news
we include that in the blog too.

As the Tech jam in Paignton also doubles up as a lug meet I was
thinking of a section that makes that clearer

plus including more info on the North Devon Meet in Holsworthy
(neil can we include your contact e-mail as part of that please)
Do you also still want your login for the site ?

There is information to explain free software etc,

Anything else ?

Paul ---

-- http://www.zleap.net t: @zleap14  diaspora :
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Torbay Tech Jam http://torbaytechjam.org.uk Festival of Code 2016
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- -- http://www.zleap.net
t: @zleap14  diaspora : zleap@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Documentation lead @ ToriOS http://www.torios.org

Torbay Tech Jam http://torbaytechjam.org.uk
Festival of Code 2016 1st - 5th August 2016 http://www.yrs.io
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The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq