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Re: [LUG] msql tweaks


On 15/09/15 13:44, Matt Stevenson wrote:
For those DBA’s among this list, about performance tweaks with mySQL.
Do you manually edit /etc/my.cnf or use a tool like http://mysqltuner.com/

I am monitoring mySQL processes since upgrading to 5.6 and memory is 2GB and CPU increase crept up by 50% +
Have used scripts and then hand tweak.

Usually found it is better to look a the god awful code/db schemas the devs have come up with... :-) like missing indexes, or indexes on a million row column that is either Y or N or the smart dev who trys to everything in the DB... etc,etc.

Email: stinga+dclug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx   o
You need only two tools.        o /////
A hammer and duct tape. If it    /@   `\  /) ~
doesn't move and it should use  >  (O)  X<  ~  Fish!!
the hammer. If it moves and      `\___/'  \) ~
shouldn't, use the tape.           \\\

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