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Re: [LUG] Banking [was: Re: Firefox v40 and Chrome]


On 13/08/15 18:35, Gordon Henderson wrote:
> I only have one bank - Prat West. I get to it via ~/bin/natwest which has:
> exec chromium --incognito https://www.natwest.com/
> I use chromium for facebook via
> exec chromium --user-data-dir=/home/gordon/.config/chromium.facebook
> https://facebook.com/

This is a good trick, I have something very similar:

ghost@failbot:~$ cat `which torchrome`
#!/usr/bin/env bash
chromium-browser --proxy-server=";https=;
sock5=,ftp=" --incognito check.torproject.org

I do have Tor, Polipo and Chromium all installed and configured for that
to work of course. Firefox is my daily driver but I use this locked down
and anonymised Chromium instance purely as my f*** censorship browser
for anything Our Glorious Leaders have decided I shouldn't be allowed to
see. For banking, I use either a virtualized live linux instance or
increasingly spin up a docker machine on the fly and destroy it afterwards.


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