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Re: [LUG] Sat Nav Updates


On Mon, 30 Mar 2015 13:22:58 +0100
lug@xxxxxx wrote:

Hello lug@xxxxxx,

>I don't want to defend some of the worst drivers on the planet but
>people's expectations of cheap/free delivery these days means these
>guys are often earning piss poor money.

Sadly, too true.   :-(

I always opt for free delivery, when it's available, but don't expect it
to be fast.  My kids hate me for it.  If they want something, they want
it *now*.  I tell them, when I was their age, more often than not, you
had to fill in an order form, post it and wait best part of a month to
get something back(1).

Kids today, don't know they're born.....

>satnavs. You often see guys backing-up in a very busy street with a
>phone glued to their ears.

Not even vaguely legal.   :-((

(1)  Cue Four Yorkshiremen.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
The public gets what the public wants
Going Underground - The Jam

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