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Re: [LUG] Password Manager


I've certainly not had any issues with Lastpass crashing in FF or Chrome. Not used the android app much, not had the need.

On 29 December 2014 at 12:31, Martijn Grooten <martijn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 11:55:36AM +0000, Paul Sutton wrote:
> The password manager that comes with Firefox seems to work fine.
> What do you also mean by not working well. ÂWhat are they not doing
> that you expect them to do.

Note that saying that a password manager "seems to work fine" is like
saying that a bulletproof vest is good because it matches the colour of
your trousers.

The point of a password manager is to securely store your passwords.
Where you put the balance in 'securely' versus 'store' depends on your
threat model, but LastPass (which I've had no problems using in the
latest FireFox) is significantly more secure than the default password
manager that comes with the browser.

So with Paul I am curious what bit doesn't work.


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